Guide to Community Schools in Columbus,Ohio

The world of education is ever-changing, and that has never been more true than these past two years during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students went from in-person learning to online learning and back again. These changes created the need to reconsider education.

A local community school, sometimes called a charter school, might be a great option for you. This article is about what community schools are, as well as what is a great local option for you. 

What is a Tuition-Free Public Community School in Columbus, Ohio?

A tuition-free, public community school is similar to a traditional public school as it also offers education to kids in pre-kindergarten to grade 12. Community members such as guardians, parents, and teachers can petition for a new community school to be opened.

Often, it is the governing board of the local school district that evaluates and approves petitions for the opening of a new community school. According to the Education Code (EC) of Ohio, the county boards of education and the State Board of Education can be the authorizing organizations for community school petitions.

Another similarity shared by community schools with district public schools is the source of funding. Both schools, after all, are funded by the state. However, these two school types differ in their administration and management since community schools have more control over these aspects. community schools enjoy more flexibility in how they run their schools such as in areas of hiring and curriculum management.

Elected school boards, and school districts and their board-appointed superintendents oversee traditional public schools whereas community schools are managed by an entity under the supervision of their self-appointed board. This means community schools have more independence than traditional (or district) public schools, allowing them to make their own rules and innovate.

What tuition free public community schools are available in Columbus, Ohio?

Buckeye Community Schools (BCS) is our recommendation for a high school diploma. BCS has 3 locations: Marion, London, and Mansfield. Whatever you aim to do next, we are ready to support it. High school graduation is THE stepping stone to the next chapter: college, military service, career, and financial security. BCS partners with you to make a plan for makeup classes, missing credits, and any other catch up. We help MANY students just like you with vital 1:1 support and all kinds of individualized pathways to learning and earning.

Our smaller school and personalized educational pathways foster a more individualized approach to teaching, and we work to empower every student to overcome personal challenges and pursue their unique educational goals.

Our free high school offers academic mentoring and coaching from teachers with endlessly positive ideas and proven, supportive tools for every student. No matter the challenges, we help you graduate. It’s never too late.

Are There Other Tuition-Free and Public Community Schools Available near Columbus, Ohio?

You can choose to apply and enroll in a tuition-free, public community school even if it is outside your school district. Columbus community schools do not have to comply with boundary school rules. Thus, parents in London, Marion, or Mansfield can opt for the community school of their choice and not worry about breaking district rules. Ohio laws state that community schools admit any student residing in the state if their capacity allows it. 

What is the Process of Enrolling my Child in a Tuition-Free Public Community School in Columbus, Ohio? 

The enrollment process for community schools is highly similar to other school types. They require an application with information such as name, address, birth date, ethnic background, and the last school attended.

It is your responsibility to check the community schools’ application and enrollment deadlines along with the school's specific enrollment rules, policies, and requirements. Community schools may have different rules and processes but all of their admission rules must comply with state laws. According to Ohio laws, community schools cannot implement policies that unlawfully discriminate against their applicants. 

Schools that have more applicants than they can take in usually employ a random selection process. The lottery system is a commonly used selection technique by many community schools.

Do Public Community Schools Offer High-Quality Education in Columbus, Ohio?

Ohio has two types of community schools: conversion schools and start-up schools. Conversion schools, which can be established in any district in Ohio, convert a school or program in a public school building into a community school. Start-up communities only can be authorized in districts identified as “challenged” by the ODE. Start-up community schools enter into a contract with a school sponsor or authorizer.

  • Typical community school students in Ohio made similar progress in reading compared to their traditional public school peers in the four school years ending in 2016-17. 

  • Greater academic progress was seen for Black students in community schools, including Black students in poverty, for reading.

  • Margaret Raymond, director of CREDO at Stanford University, said, “The performance in Ohio community schools has been consistent since our initial investigation in 2009.”

About BCS

At Buckeye Community School (BCS), we create positive educational experiences that empower every student to overcome personal challenges and pursue unique goals. We meet the needs of the whole student in our productive, safe, and nurturing learning environment. Our high expectations for achievement and student success are matched by our commitment to quality instructional leadership and positive home-to-school and school-to-community relationships. Get to know BCS, today. We’re enrolling!


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