Credit Flexibility Plan and Procedures 2020-2021
Purpose: To communicate and provide a clear, accessible, and equitable process by which students can apply to participate in credit flexibility experiences and courses to give students the opportunity to earn their high school diploma.
Credit Flexibility 2020-2021
Results / Recurring Outcomes
● Credit for demonstrated mastery of learning outcomes regardless of seat time
● Process for documentation and approval of proposed experience or course
● Clear definition of responsibilities for students, teachers, and counselors
● Clear documentation and coding of credits granted through credit flexibility
Implementation of Credit Flex
In compliance with Senate Bill 311, Buckeye Community School offers students the opportunity to drive and plan how they will earn high school credit through a credit flexibility program. “Credit Flex” shifts the focus from evaluating student learning based on “ seat time “ to assessing students’ demonstrated academic and skill level performance. Credit Flexibility is a way to increase a student’s interest in school and motivation to learn. With credit flex, students have options to show what they know, earn credit(s), and move on to higher-order content. It is especially useful in providing rich learning opportunities for students whose interests (and /or performance) extend beyond the regular curriculum.
Students may earn credit through credit flexibility by following this process:
1) Select a pathway to an educational program that meets their goals (or choose an already approved credit flexibility option) to be completed under the supervision of a teacher who is fully credentialed for the course.
2) Complete the individualized Learning Plan (ILP), with the supervising teacher and parent/ guardian, to initiate the plan for credit flexibility. This puts ownership on the student and empowers the student to be in charge of their learning.
3) Demonstrate mastery of course learning outcomes on assessments (including but not limited to: portfolios, projects, traditional exams).
4) Report completion of the course to your supervising teacher. He/she will confirm your completion of the course and a form will be signed by the student and teacher. The course will be added to the student’s transcript.
Board Policy and ODE Guidance
BCS Board Policy 247
Credit Flexibility and Educational Options
ODE Guidance:
To receive credit, all courses, as applicable, must be aligned to:
● Ohio Academic Content and Technical Standards
● Credit Flexibility Guidance document
Key Facts about Credit Flex
Credit will be reported on student transcripts in the same way that seat-time credit is recorded, but requires a specific credit flex EMIS code.
● Credit will be awarded once the experience or course is completed; therefore, these options will not be considered for athletic eligibility. Students still will need to be enrolled in and passing five courses (not including PE) per grading period to be eligible by the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) standards.
● Credit flexibility gives students and families more control and choice, but involves more personal responsibility. BCS is not responsible for any costs associated with a proposed credit flex experience or course.
● BCS may be able to provide low- or no-cost credit flex opportunities. Current no-cost options are listed on this document.
● Contact Sasho Dojcinovski (Curriculum Officer) or Steve Vanderhoff (Principal) in the Curriculum and Instruction Department with questions.
Currently Approved Teacher-Designed Credit Flex Courses
Integrated English Language Arts 1
US History 1
Integrated English Language Arts 2
US History 2
Integrated English Language Arts 3
US Government 1
Integrated English Language Arts 4
US Government 2
Intervention English
World History
Basic Grammar
Writing Skills
CBI Economics
Algebra 1
Career Preparedness
Algebra 2
CBI Career Preparedness
Business Math
Physical Education
Essential Math Algebra
ACT Prep
Essential Math Geometry
Agriculture, Food Natural Resource
Arts Fundamental
Drawing Animals
Environmental Science
Drawing Landscapes
Physical Science
Earth Science